Free Sudoku Generator Game Online
Puzzle Games > Sudoku Puzzles > Sudoku Generator
Title: Sudoku Generator
Description:This Sudoku game generates a different fun game every time you play it! Two types of games solver and regular play are available, along with a help feature. A timer ticks away showing you how long it is taking you to solve the puzzle.For those that don't know how to solve a Sudoku puzzle, the goal is to place digits 1-10 in all of the empty fields. Just click on a square and choose a number normal Sudoku rules apply. They should be placed in such a way that a number is not repeated in any block, row or column. Enjoy!
Description:This Sudoku game generates a different fun game every time you play it! Two types of games solver and regular play are available, along with a help feature. A timer ticks away showing you how long it is taking you to solve the puzzle.For those that don't know how to solve a Sudoku puzzle, the goal is to place digits 1-10 in all of the empty fields. Just click on a square and choose a number normal Sudoku rules apply. They should be placed in such a way that a number is not repeated in any block, row or column. Enjoy!

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