Free Alphabet Jungle Puzzle Game Online
Puzzle Games > Puzzle Games > Alphabet Jungle Puzzle
Title: Alphabet Jungle Puzzle
Description:How many words can you create from a six letters in an allotted time? You will be given 6 letters to create as many 3-6 letter words as quick as you can in an allotted time or be boiled in the pot. You have a goal of so many words for each mode, easy is 60%, medium is 75%, and hard is 100% can you hit the goal or above it? To play use the keyboard or the mouse, to use the mouse just hover over the letters and click them to choose a letter. To erase a letter click the word, if you want to submit your score hit enter or click the word submit at the bottom of the game. If you get stuck and still have lots of time click end game above the little man next to the pot and the game will end quickly and record your score.
Description:How many words can you create from a six letters in an allotted time? You will be given 6 letters to create as many 3-6 letter words as quick as you can in an allotted time or be boiled in the pot. You have a goal of so many words for each mode, easy is 60%, medium is 75%, and hard is 100% can you hit the goal or above it? To play use the keyboard or the mouse, to use the mouse just hover over the letters and click them to choose a letter. To erase a letter click the word, if you want to submit your score hit enter or click the word submit at the bottom of the game. If you get stuck and still have lots of time click end game above the little man next to the pot and the game will end quickly and record your score.

Alphabet Jungle Puzzle
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