Free Towers of Hanoi Game Online
Puzzle Games > Puzzle Games > Towers of Hanoi
Title: Towers of Hanoi
Description:This fun puzzle game will be sure to provide challenge for your solving skills! Choose from several different numbers of rings and see if you can figure out how to restack them. They must be restacked in the order they were originally largest one the bottom to smallest on top. The catch is you can't put any larger ones on smaller ones in the process and there are only two poles. Good luck solving and wining this fun puzzle game!
Description:This fun puzzle game will be sure to provide challenge for your solving skills! Choose from several different numbers of rings and see if you can figure out how to restack them. They must be restacked in the order they were originally largest one the bottom to smallest on top. The catch is you can't put any larger ones on smaller ones in the process and there are only two poles. Good luck solving and wining this fun puzzle game!

Towers of Hanoi
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